
Is separate seating in synagogue archaic and irrelevant? Can separate seating really be regarded as non-egalitarian segregation that should be eliminated?

Mess and Madness

Does the mess your children make ignite your wrath? Is expecting our children to preserve the museum-like order in the house beneficial to their emotional health?

The Easy Life

Does the easy life really mean a good life? Can we excel and fulfill our potential when we never have to leave the cushy walls of comfort zone?

The Pop Quiz Pizza

The unexpected and frequently undesired little challenges that put bumps in life's road are really pop quizzes from Hashem to test our emuna...

A Garden Paradise

Hashem requires us to depend on emuna rather than on logic; the ability to accept life's difficulties with love is not only limited to the select few...

Picture Perfect

When we hold a negative up to the light, we see right through it, all the while observing the outline of the subject therein. This is how translucent we are to Hashem…

The Children’s Bill of Rights

Mommy and Daddy, you sometimes forget that we kids are human beings too with basic human rights. We too have feelings, and we're not doormats for parents to wipe their feet on...

It’s Mall Over

After my last trip to the mall, I think my addiction to the 'buzz' may just have ended. The next time I need a new skirt, I'm going to go somewhere else...

Drop the Mask

When things are overwhelming, that is our invitation to drop the mask, stop pretending that we can do everything by ourselves, and to call out to Hashem for help...

More Light

Your light can illuminate your own life in such a profoundly amazing way, and chase away all that sadness, and depression and despair that you thought was a permanent fixture...

Successful Relationships

What makes a successful or failed relationship? How can people get closer to each other, and more committed to each other, over time? What really causes strife between two people?

The Clogged Pore

Purim is not only a time of joy; it's a time of reflection. We take a good look at ourselves and examine whether there are any Haman-like traces of ingratitude on our character profile...