The Female Dimension

Rivka Levy, in the final part of her excellent series "A Holy Nation", discusses the feminine aspect of personal holiness and its eye-opening ramifications...

Uman: We Are One

From shtreimels and peyes to torn jeans, sandals and tattoos - one grasps instantaneously in Uman that we ALL have a share in Hashem and in Torah. We are one. We are Jews...

Six Steps to Purity

The more a person lives a 'clean' life, and filters out the pictures, ideas and thoughts that are coming from impure sources, the less of a fight he will have...

Healthy and Normal

When people love each other in a healthy way, they respect differences. They don't make you go to things that aren't good for you just to keep them happy...


Marvin from Canada is in the process of becoming a winning husband. But when he first picked up "The Garden of Peace", he wrote in the margin, "baloney!"...

Pulling His Own Plug

Sexual impurity is a very big reason that people feel 'disconnected' from themselves and from G-d and from good, because the evil forces that are created...

Little Miss Angry

Samantha's main weapon was her incredibly nasty temper. As well as berating people and getting right up in their faces, Samantha was also a screamer, yeller and threatener...

The Queen’s Fault

Anytime we fall into the hyper-blame mode, we can be sure that we've forgotten our emuna. Emuna is our emergency escape hatch from all the negativity...

What’s the Big Deal?

Why does society make a joke about personal holiness and guarding one's holy covenant with Hashem? Why is spilling one's seed such a terrible offense?

The Healthy Soul

Each mitzvah we do connects us to G-d, and enables more Divine Light to shine into our souls. The more our souls reflect Divine Light, the healthier it is...

Controlled or controlling

Sometimes husbands and wives talk back and forth like a ping-pong game; but they should just take a small time-out to understand each other...

Living for Real

Why are so many of us being 'blocked' from developing a relationship with G-d? That's exactly what this series will be exploring over the next few weeks...