Destroying the Evil Decrees

In this, the last episode of our series, the Baal Shem Tov follows in the footsteps of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai by destroying evil decrees against the Jews…

Nitzavim-Vayelech: Hide and Go Seek

Hester Panim (hiding of G-d’s "face") is Hashem distancing Himself from us. During the month of Elul, the opposite occurs - G-d draws closer. Elul is the one time of year that G-d reaches out to the Jew, meeting him half-way, so-to-speak.

Shoftim: Judging the Essence

Without the yetzer hara, it will be a world without evil and without evil people. Those fortunate enough to survive into this period...

Fishey Dairy

Are we allowed to drink milk fortified with Omega 3? What about butter-fried fish? Is there really danger in cooking fish with dairy, or is that just an old wive’s tale?

Kedoshim: Holy Mitzvah!

We don't eat for eating's sake, and we don't indulge in other pleasures for their own sake either. We use the physical world as means to...

Pesach: An Overview

Here is a basic practical Passover guide, from preparing for Pesach, to Seder night, to counting the Omer; This is not a dummy's guide; it's a dummy-prevention guide...


There are no apparent miracles in Megillat Esther. Nothing happened that was above nature, beyond reality. If we were to change the names of the heroes, the story could be...

Safety Outside

As children start to go outside the house, they become exposed to many new dangers - in the street, the playground and everywhere else...