A Sexist Religion?

In the modern, secular world, everyone is equal; everyone is on the same level. What are we, gingerbread men? Different creations have different tasks in the scheme of creation...


Daniel was on heavy doses of psychiatric medication. Regardless, Daniel was still too frightened to leave his apartment; the internal voices would not stop yelling at him...

Masaei: The Land’s Faithful

Living in the holy Land of Israel is a tremendous privilege, but also a weighty obligation and responsibility, for it's the King's palace...

A Soldier’s Prayer

The workload and pressures of his combat unit made prayer seem like a needless burden that he was glad to be rid of. Then, someone gave him a book that saved his Judaism...

My Baseball Addiction

Ever since Chana's husband died, the soothing voice of the Vin Scully, the Dodgers' famous announcer, was the only thing that pierced the loneliness, until...

Adam’s Story

Nothing anyone advised her helped. Then, one of her clients gave her an emuna CD. At first, she was skeptical. But with nothing to lose, she decided to try its advice...

The Unlimited Pantry

Hashem feeds us, even in the most extenuating of circumstances, like in the middle of a war when the supply trucks can't make it through to the front lines...

Pinchas: Sons Rescue Fathers

Rashi says that in the case of the apportioning of the Land of Israel, the deceased inherit from the living. Does this principle apply elsewhere in Judaism?

Chukat: The Water and the Rock

Hashem accuses Moses of a lack of emuna. Moses, a lack of emuna? What did he do that was so terrible? Why did Hashem give him such a stiff punishment?

Gift or Murder?

One is not permitted to destroy life because life belongs to G-d. G-d entrusts us with life, but life doesn't belong to us to destroy it with a nicotine dependence...

Just Can’t Wait

What's the difference between a man who lives his life according to his physical appetites and a gorilla? Not much; maybe the amount of hair that each has on his chest...

Rebbe Akiva’s Fox

Each of us has periodic "Rebbe Akiva's fox" moments in our lives. Things happen that seem horrendous, more than good reasons for concern and worry...