The Real Boss

Hashem doesn't abandon us when He brings us to Israel. He tests us to see if we are willing to follow Him, rely on nothing but Him, and live lives of emuna...


Just over a year ago, my husband came back with an 'interesting' idea that he'd been learning in his yeshiva: parnassa (making a living) was G-d's job...

The Land of Emuna

Rebbe Nachman would faint when he spoke about the holiness of The Land of Israel. This is the sweetness of having emuna in Hashem, within this world...

Frum Philosophers

There are many people who look very frum, but they're full of philosophy. They think they're professors, smarter than everyone else, yet they're full of questions...

Flossing the Brain

In his eye-opening Passover message, Rav Nissan Dovid Kivak elaborates on Torah 5 in Likutei Moharan and gives us the key to true joy; what could be better?

Shua’s Swan Song

Shua pleaded before his tragic death, "Is it too much to ask that each person do his part to stop this crime against children?" What shall we answer him...

Forbidden Fruit

The world's first PC was made by a company by the name of Apple. The company logo portrays the fruit of temptation with a bite out of it. Coincidence?

The Color of the Sky

Now that the Three Weeks are over, we prepare ourselves for the joy of the latter half of Av and the wonderful month of Elul. When you truly love someone, you think about them all the time. How often do we think about Hashem?

Spiritual Spleen

There are several options when you're not feeling your best: you can call the doctor, run to the pharmacy, or maybe take advantage of a spiritual option...

Four Cups, Four Mothers

The Maharal explains that whereas Pesach Matzah and Maror are in the merit of the Avot (Fathers), the Four Cups correspond respectively to our four holy mothers...

Three Pillars of Happiness

The Rebbe makes everything very clear for us – this is where you need to get to. This is a high level, but in simpler terms it means to find Torah, tefillah, and emuna...

After Yom Kippur: Preparation is Everything

At any moment we can be hit with trials of personal relationships, family, or parnasah. We have to do teshuva to merit salvation. We MUST ALWAYS BE PREPARED so that the trial comes and goes with ease. The test itself is a celebration of our progress in life - just like Yom Kippur!