Everything in Place

Rebbe Nachman teaches in Likutei Moharan 35 that according to the Zohar, the meaning of “teshuva” (repentance) is to restore all things to their proper place...

Always Accountable

Modern society looks at innocent and honest people like suckers; you're just not cool if you don't know how to wheel and deal. Until, accountability knocks on the door…

The Greatest Act of Love

What can we do during the month of Elul to better ourselves by removing the negative feelings that we might have toward others?

Re’eh: Toxic Texting

Do we look like the Ukrainian peasant's old potato sack that had a hole in it? Every time he picked a potato and put it in the sack, another one fell out…

Va’etchanan: Behind Enemy Lines

Why did Hashem disperse the Jewish People among the nations and subject us to discrimination and persecution? Are these the "Chosen People" that He loves?

Tisha B’Av, Why?

Living emuna demands that we change our vision and start believing that Hashem actively guides us from moment to moment in every aspect of our lives...

Why Another Tisha B’Av?

Hashem leads us down the path that we choose for ourselves. If we made more of an effort to discover the joy of Judaism, maybe we'd rejoice on Tisha B'av...

Attitude of Gratitude

Rabbi Shalom Arush teaches that by instilling an attitude of gratitude we can construct the road out of this exile and ultimately end all our suffering...

Masaei: It’s Your Land, My Son

Hashem states explicitly and emphatically that He is giving us the Land of Israel to take "complete hold of it"; what does that mean?

Crash Landing

Whether it was booze or weed, one of the two was in my system at any given time. I’d go to class high, always chasing that feeling of being buzzed...

Balak: Learning from the Donkey

If such a lackluster creature can expose the truth, despite beatings and disparagement, then imagine what our capability of doing so is...

To Feel Ya

It’s so bizarre to see observant teens pray mincha in less than two minutes. Fellow friends, parents, teachers and rabbis - this is utter failure...