Vayera: The Path to Clarity

What do you we when we can't make a decision? Why are we confused? What must a person do to see truth, gain clarity and obtain the best shidduch (match)?

Prayer for Guarding the Eyes

David Perlow invites us to share in his personal prayer session, answering the question that many people ask, "How do I begin speaking to Hashem?" Here's their answer...

The Truly Good Life

What kind of life are we yearning for? What does it mean to be alive? Is it just a beating heart or breathing lungs? The animals and birds already have that…

Tale of Two Soldiers

With emuna, we know that our mission is to serve the King. The greater the emuna, the greater our willingness; we don't want exemptions, we want to serve...

The Greatest Kiddush Hashem – Rav Yitzchak Zilber

Throughout his unbelievable ordeals, which he handled and overcame with incredible calmness and ingenuity, Rav Yitzchak Zilber never gave up his Judaism…

Hashem’s Tapestry

Coincidence is a term synonymous to blindness, for it completely fails to see the beautiful weave of Divine Providence in Hashem's exquisite tapestry...

Power Hour – Preparation for Rosh Hashana

A person who is out of shape and just starting to train will see huge improvement in overall health after only a few weeks of training. The same applies in spirituality...

Recipe for Renewal

Even if you've taken a steep fall, as long as you have the desire to improve and to seek Hashem no matter what, you have every reason to sing on Rosh Hashana...

You are the King

The material world and the evil inclination try to fool us, making us think that we determine things. On Rosh Hashana, we remember that Who is the King...

Who’s Not Listening?

Whenever he watched TV, he noticed that his daughter wouldn't listen to a thing he said the next day. It turned out though that the child wasn't the one who wasn't listening…

5 Tips for 5777

The way to truly perfecting ourselves is through prayer. Prayer helps us rise above our natural limitations in our character and brings forth blessing in our lives…

Perfect Combination

Rebbe Nachman teaches that we should bring our Torah learning into our prayers. When we pray to internalize His Torah, our prayers are gratifying to Hashem...