The Princess and the Caveman

Marriage is the perfect setup to teach a man how to put the needs of his wife and his family before his own needs. It’s a man’s main mission in life...

Emuna Take-Off

We thought we had another whole day to pack for our visit with two toddlers to our parents in America. Then, Dad called ...

Gifts from Uman

This year in Uman, we received some priceless spiritual gifts from our beloved rabbis. Dennis Rosen is happy to share them with our readers so that they too can enjoy them...

Faith in the Face of Pain

Our first reaction to tragedy, loss, or failure is usually an emotional response and not a response born of faith. Our emotions tell us: “This is horrible..."

Vayechi: Looking Forward to Mashiach

Will Moshiach turn the world upside down? The Rambam says that there will be no change in the order or rhythm of creation. So what will be?

Out at Last

4 min

Doctor Ballen reconnects with a newly-released ex-convict who did the worst imaginable things. In prison, he discovered the force that saved his life...

Amida Prayer Ploys

We see people in the prayer services enjoying the experience and sometimes we feel left out. Here are a few simple ploys to enhance your prayer experience...

The Smartest and the Bravest

Why does Hashem put people in our lives who exhibit our exact opposite tendencies and preferences, often causing much friction, anxiety and tension?

Hitchhike to Emuna

My words must have been very convincing in the Heavens because no sooner did the last word leave my mouth then a car rounded the bend towards us…

The Game-Changing Phrase

Whenever you're worried or in a predicament that you don't know the way out of, you can always fall back on this one game-changing phrase that will put you in the winner's circle…

Following Rav Yehuda Zev’s Will

Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz implored us to teach proper conduct between man and fellow man, for we're all Hashem's children who must treat each other with maximum respect…

What is Your Self Worth?

The main thing that we all suffer from is nagging doubts about our self-worth: “Do people like me?” “Am I competent at what I do?” “What have I accomplished with my life?”...