
One of the girls looked like she belonged in a heavy metal night club. She was wearing a choker necklace, nearly black lipstick, with a super-short shirt and jeans…

Get Off My Back!

Nagging actually has a deep spiritual significance. We women are programmed to “get on our husbands’ backs” because that’s how we started out in life...

Forgiveness and Humility

By incorporating an emuna-oriented approach to life, we make peace with the things we perceive to be negative and forgive those who harm us.

Where’s Your Smile?

Most of my students grew up in religious homes but threw it all away for drugs, porn and iPhones. Could the sour disposition of their parents and rabbis have been the culprit?

Intimate Connections

Here are some great suggestions from our spiritual leaders that help us invoke more Divine protection in our lives; we all need it…

Quicksand of Despair

The young lady came from a religious home but had served in the army and had transgressed grave sins. She was so depressed that she was ready to commit suicide. The Chazon Ish told her...

Granted or Taken for Granted

How can simply saying “thanks” for the blessings we are “granted” (instead of taking them for granted) improve children’s grade point averages, improve sleep by 30%, and more...

Biography is not Destiny

To speak to Hashem, submit to Hi’s authority, and accept with emuna that whatever He does is for the best, a person needs a clear mind, free from transferred human relations...

Teens and Smartphones

Aren’t we lucky to be on the emuna path of life? Granted, we aren’t perfect and it certainly takes a lot of hard work but who would want it any other way?

Warning from Above

Rav Shalom Arush says that everything comes from Hashem and it's all for the best. Does that statement include the Nuremburg Laws and the Holocaust?

Soldiers of the Honor Guard

How does a commander get his soldiers to cling to him? He makes them absolutely dependent on him and denies them certain freedoms. One who violates those rules gets punished...

A Miracle in the Forest

Oftentimes, salvation arrives when we least expect it, especially when we thank Hashem for the seemingly difficult times in life. Then, we get plenty of reasons to thank Him...