
Here's a powerful formula to achieve breakthroughs in our most difficult personal challenges...

The Spiritual Game-Plan

There are many benefits from physical activity and in my case, basketball. It stretches me to work more efficiently and to stay present-focused...

The Missing Eggs

Many times we look for solutions to problems that we’re going through, but because we’re so caught up in the negativity of the problem, we can’t see the solution…

Eyes of Holiness – For Men Only!

It's that time of year again. The sun is out, the temperature’s rising and the clothes come off. Guarding our eyes and maintaining personal holiness is a big challenge...

A Beautiful People

Carol was making beautiful progress in her Jewish observance until her husband connected with a fire-breathing rabbi who said that she wasn't doing enough…

The Miracle Car

Now we not only have a “miracle car”; we have a miracle story. In the following days and weeks, we repeated the miracle story to anyone and everyone...

Beyond Happiness

Emotions come from the soul which comes from G-d. How can there be genuine emotional health, healing and happiness without seeking a connection to the Almighty?

Live with Passion!

So many people walk around like zombies, dead people, semi-conscious and hunched-over, with scowling faces or blank looks. So many people barely greet each other…

Doctors and Meds, Yes or No?

From one standpoint, Rebbe Natan stayed far away from doctors and medicines. One the other hand, Rebbe Naftali did take medicines; on a practical level, how should we act?

Take it to Heart

In this amazing personal revelation, Rabbi Shalom Arush tells the moving and thought-provoking story of how he became a believing Jew, and his first steps to seeking Hashem…

Getting to Know Hashem

We all say that we believe. But do we really know what we mean and intend to say? How do we know that we know?

The Iraqi Garden of Peace

Does she have to do your laundry? No. Does she have to cook for you? No. So why don't husbands appreciate everything that their wives do?