The Experiment

Ladies, here's your chance to experiment on a trial basis. The “trial basis” is a wonderful way to circumvent the Evil Inclination, especially in Elul. Anytime we increase modesty, the EI is quick to fight back…

Ending the Blame Game

I hear the bitterness and suffering of people who blame others every day. Their lives are an unbearable torment because they feel that they have no control...

Mr. Clean

Surrounded by model women, great money and tons of perks, I had no problems. But at the time, I had no idea how much damage I was doing to my soul…

Ki Teitzei: Learning to be Lazy

Some folks have an uncanny way of distorting what they learn to make it fit their comfort zone, like the couch potato who learned The Garden of Emuna...

The G-d of Our Understanding

This is the first of a series of articles that lists the differences between the Twelve Step path and the Torah-based recovery program known as Emuna Coaching.

Live it to Give it

It's mindboggling how far so many of our best teachers and principals of prestigious girls' schools are from understanding how real education is transmitted to children...

Prayer and Dry Beds

Eleven year old Benji had wet his bed for most of his life. With less than a week left before he was leaving for two months of sleepaway camp, you can imagine how nervous he was...

Happy Wife, Happy Life

Marriage is the best opportunity for a man to ascend; having appreciation for his wife is one of the greatest lessons he is supposed to learn in his marriage…

Vicki in Vizhnitz-land

Vicki had never been to Israel. Yet, she describe in detail her taxi trip from Ben Gurion Airport to Bnai Brak, to the Vizhnitzer synagogue and to the Rebbe…

Leaky Emuna

Hashem says to each of us: "Nothing is going your way right now, but I’ve built you up for this moment, so use what you’ve learned with a smile…"

Mind Your Manners

Why are so many people so far away from doing the many things that they know they should be doing differently in their lives? Why are so many people so far away from G-d?

Pull ‘Em Off!

When my turn came, Rav Noach said, "Lazer, I'm going to teach you something that you'll need to know wherever you'll have to go around the world…"