Click Here for Heartache

I want to say a few words to any husband who looks at pornography: I know you don't feel good about it, I know you're not proud. Obviously, you have some deep issues...

Thanks to My Evil Inclination

We humans, in contrast to the angels, have been blessed with an evil inclination which gives us more importance in G-d’s eyes than the angels have...

Tale of Two Printing Presses

A juxtaposition of good and evil: why is it so easy to perpetrate darkness in the world, yet spreading light is met with massive resistance?

Israel’s Victory

How can Israel prevail over enemies that are much mightier? Read of a recent miracle (2010)!

You’re Ready!

Josh, 21, a student in a yeshiva for Baalei Teshuva, wants to get married but his rabbi says that he's not ready. He writes Rav Arush and asks for his opinion…

Kids of Compassion

How can we expect our children to have internalized a positive personality characteristic that we don’t possess ourselves? When did they last see us help a fellow human? INCLUDES VIDEO

Speaking to the Pain

Many of the anxiety and stress reactions that we suffer from started with some upsetting occurrence in the past and became a conditioned response...

Lech Lecha: My Lech–Lecha Moment

Like the runner who rises to emotional heights each time he feels a cramp and keeps on moving, the person of faith becomes ecstatic every time something difficult happens…

Grateful Awakening

We can prevent stern judgments by thanking Hashem regularly. Who can put a price tag on another day of life? We should say Modeh Ani with the greatest enthusiasm...

Mirror on the Wall

My friend was enjoying the book until we came to a fundamental principle of marriage based on the teachings of the Ariza’l which caused his eyeballs to pop out of their sockets...

Don’t Jump

For some reason being happy got a bad rap. It wasn't stylish and it proved you were naive and shallow. Only nerds were happy, only a doofus would be optimistic...

Pain in the Class

Hashem has rules in His classroom; we, as students, sometimes break those rules whether intentionally or accidently, causing a rift between us and our Teacher…