The Non-Negotiable Knee

Like the proverbial snowball at the top of the hill, once it begins rolling downward, it becomes a dangerous avalanche. We know how it starts, but we don't know how it will end…

The Human Chinchilla – Getting off the Wheel

The Evil Inclination tells us that we should aspire toward impossible goals that will burn us out and keep us so busy running that we never enjoy a moment…

Returning From There

In the middle of a childbirth that was beyond the worst nightmare, she felt her strength ebbing away. "Get me Rav Arush!" she screamed, but the Rav was nowhere to be found…

Your Child or Theirs?

Modern lifestyle and two working parents have shifted the primary role of attachment from parent-to-child to child-to-child, decreasing parental influence and involvement…

You Are Successful

Conceit due to one’s accomplishments or sadness arising from one’s setbacks both constitute arrogance. In either case, we are attributing the results to ourselves…

Forgive and Be Forgiven

Rabbi David Chaim Stern awoke from his coma and his dream, took a pen and paper, and wrote a writ of forgiveness for every one of the people who had insulted him…

Hashem’s Messengers

The ideology of “rugged individualism” of our birth culture is ingrained deep within our thinking, so deep in fact, that it takes years of hard work to bypass…

The Life of Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz

Date of Passing: 27-Elul. Rebbe Yehuda Zev Leibowitz of saintly and blessed memory was a hidden tzaddik whose life was wrapped in mystery; he was the spiritual guide of Rabbi Arush...

Dumb Luck

An important thing to remember in difficult situations is that we have no other choice but to look for the silver lining in whatever's happening to us, even if it's thin…

When Truth is False

We all have encountered the "crusaders of truth". These are the poison pens of the social media who freely blast other people high and low in the name of the truth…

Where’s My Dinner?!

When Alex was first married, his wife cooked dinner every night. Five children later, he must fend for himself in the evening, and he's not happy with the situation...

Keep Fighting, Rocky

Rocky is a hero, not because he knocks out his opponent. Rather, because he takes punches repeatedly and, with will and stamina, remains standing…