Little Nachman Part 17

In this episode, Shimon visits Nachman for the first time...

1 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 11.04.23

Translation by Rabbi Lazer Brody
and illustrations by Rebecca Shapiro


Little Nachman – Part 17
Nachman ran back to his room, but stopped suddenly. He thought that Shimon might be insulted, and might misunderstand the gift as an act of pity rather than an act of friendship and kindness. Nachman prayed, "Hashem, thank You for giving me so many toys and games, and thank You for giving me the desire to learn Torah and to do good deeds. Please help me do an act of kindness for my friend Shimon.  Please Hashem, let this gift bring him joy and not insult or pain, and help him to be happy all the days of his life. May he never lack anything he needs."
Nachman stepped inside his room and found Shimon waiting quietly. "My mother said that I can give you one of my games or toys for a gift. You’ll be able to take it home and play with it whenever you like. So, please pick the game or toy that you like best."
"Do you really want to give me a game or toy for a gift?"
"I sure do!" responded Nachman with glee.
"Thank you very much, Nachman, but I’m satisfied with what I have. I lack nothing," said Shimon shyly.
"Please," Nachman insisted, "giving you a gift would make me so happy."
"Thanks anyway, I really don’t need a toy…"
"Please, Shimon, my good friend; I’d be so happy if you’d accept the gift."
"Well," said Shimon, "if it’s that important to you, I’ll accept a small toy. Thank you for your kindness, Nachman." He then added, "Thank You, Hashem, for giving me a friend with such a kind heart. Help me also to do acts for kindness for other people."

   “Thank you for your kindness, Nachman…”
To be continued, G-d willing.

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