Chapter of the “Man” (פרשת המן)
Do you need a good income? The commentators cite the Talmud Yerushalmi that one who recites this chapter on the Tuesday of Parshat Beshalach is assured that his sustenance will not be lacking.

A segulah for livelihood is to say the Parshat HaMan (Exodus 16:4-36) on the Tuesday of Parshat Beshalach. This segula came from Reb Menachem Mendel of Rimanov zt”l.
Likewise, it is a segulah for livelihood to say it every day. And Rabbi Yosef said, “So that he may believe that all his needs are is attended to.” And in Yerushalmi (Brachot) it is written that anyone who says Parshat Haman every day is assured that his sustenance will not be reduced.
Our sages said, “Anyone who says the Chapter of Man daily will not lack a livelihood.” Beforehand, say the “May it be Your will…”prayer.
It is permissible to say the Chapter of Man on Shabbat, even though prayers for livelihood are not said on Shabbat.
Editor’s Note:
Click the following link to download the PDF the Parshat Haman in both English and Hebrew: ARTSCROLL_parashas-haman-onkelos. The introductory “May it be Your will” prayer is included.
Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition of Targum Onkelos – Sefer Shemos Copyright 2019 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publication Ltd. Reprinted with permission.
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