The Coalition of Gog
What we do every moment determines where we reside - with Hashem or with Gog. In this tumultuous time, we have two powerful weapons to protect ourselves.

In 2002, Google went from being a business to being a verb.
Since then, trillions of dollars have poured into the coffers of the high-tech elite.
The value of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook eclipses $9 trillion. That’s equal to 10% of the global economy and 7% of all the wealth in America.
These companies are funded and run by a handful of people. In some cases, like Google and Facebook, they don’t like one another. In other cases, like Microsoft and Google, many of the big investors are one and the same.
In all cases, they are liberal. They are “progressive.” They stand for Sodomy, lust to the extreme, atheism, heresy, and globalism – trying to erase any identification with a nation so we can all be part of a single world that they control.
The trend began with Google. They are the creators of the internet as we know it.
It wasn’t until Google started ranking web pages by specific key terms that the internet took off.
Once they made that revolutionary switch, every other company rode the wave of the new internet Google created to amass more money, resources, and influence than has ever been generated in the history of mankind.
In 2002, Microsoft was worth $250 billion. Today, it is worth over $2 trillion. In 2002, Apple was worth $5 billion. Today it is worth $2.5 trillion. Even the “old school” tech companies that started long before Google didn’t explode until Google made everything online easily accessible.
We are living in the age of Gog and Magog: Google and every massive high-tech company that made its trillions from Google.
How they Took Over
When you have more money than you could ever need, the next thing you want is power. The only way to satiate the appetite of those ambitious enough to amass wealth on a global scale is for them to convert it into power on a global scale.
We see it in recent elections and the behavior of the internet fueled media.
The election of 2020 was obvious.
Polls showing President Donald J. Trump up 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania when the election precincts mysteriously closed. Despite losing 200 more counties than Barrack Obama 8 years prior, Joe Biden won 9 million more votes than him.
In the entire election, more votes were cast than voters were registered.
How did it happen?
The 477 counties Joe Biden won represents 71% of America’s wealth. The 2,496 counties President Trump won represents 29% of American wealth.
This wealth buys congressmen, senators, judges, city councilman, election officials, journalists, and just about anyone they need to control everything.
They know that unless you talk about the things they want to hear: Sodomy, victimhood, communism, atheism, heresy – they can cancel you.
This is half of Gog: The financial and political power to force you into Satan’s arms.
The Other Side of the Coalition of Gog
They also control our minds with drugs.
All. Of. Us.
They do it in the most devious and subtle manner possible. They use drugs from our own bodies to subdue us.
When engaging in the act of reproduction, our bodies create oxytocin, dopamine, and testosterone.
Hashem creates His world for Mitzvot. When we engage in these acts with our spouse inside the bonds of marriage, these drugs bond us to our soul mate. Along with being spiritually connected to our soulmate, our children, and to Hashem – we are chemically addicted to our mate.
Thank G-d, it is an added measure of superglue to bind a family together forever and enable everyone on earth to fulfill the commandment “Do not commit adultery.”
When we misuse these chemicals, we become addicted to what caused our bodies to create them. If we misuse the bodies G-d gives us through pornography, we become chemically addicted. It becomes harder to stop.
It turns our minds upside down.
With each new graphic experience, we seek something more extreme. Slowly, things that we would normally find repulsive and sick, we delude ourselves into seeing as not so bad.
A pervert becomes a transgender. A Sodomite becomes part of the LGBTQ community.
They are conquering our world from without and destroying our life from within. This is the dreaded war of Gog and Magog – the alliance of Hedonists, Heretics, and Homosexuals trying to take down the foundations of Heaven and Earth.
They Won’t Win but They Will Take Prisoners
G–d will win.
He will decide when the Satan’s time is up and in the blink of an eye all of this will be overthrown.
What will we be when this happens?
Will we be slaves to our Sadism or champions of our Spirit? Will they have taken us prisoner, or will we be free when Hashem dispatches Eliyahu HaNavi and Mashiach Ben David to re-establish G–d’s Kingdom on earth?
What we do now determines how soon Gog and Magog will fall.
What we do every moment determines where we reside, with G–d – or with Gog.
Our Nuclear Option
The only way to win is to take on the commandments of Shmirat HaBrit – guarding the eyes and holiness.
To do that renders us immune to their attacks. They can no longer subdue our perception with sex. They can no longer blind our soul’s eyes to the Truth.
Shmirat HaBrit is the shield against the forces of Gog and Magog.
Emuna is the spear.
As long as they have you convinced that the world is ruled by the Internet and G–d doesn’t have Wi-Fi, we will accept their mantra that there are no consequences to life because G–d isn’t watching.
The moment we remember that everything in this world comes directly from our Creator: He created, creates, will create and personally manages every aspect in life from the movement of the trillions of stars in the galaxies to what an earthworm had for lunch to everything going on in our lives, we know that it all has meaning.
Our actions matter.
The world we live in is just one big test.
Evil will burn itself out.
This is why we must be diligent at every moment to hold our emuna and personal holiness. No matter how much money, power, influence, and deception they yield – they can never take away from us what’s really important if we don’t let them.
Emuna and Shmirat HaBrit are the keys to their downfall, our survival, and the hastening to the world we are all praying for.
David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his wife and children. Since moving to Israel in 2002, David has discovered Torah, writing hi-tech, hiking, coding ReactJS Apps, and hearing stories about the Land of Israel from anyone excited to tell them. Check him out on Highway 60 or email him your favorite Israel story at: david.ben.horin@spreadyourenthusiasm.com.
thank you so much for this article. it’s great and i couldn’t agree more. i had an unpleasure to have to go to clothes shop in UK. it actually got my attention how nowadays women clothes look. every piece of garment was designed to be very immodest. it was unbelievable i had to run away out if this shop leaving my wife and daughters alone there and they couldn’t choose anything they could wear without looking like prostitutes. life for well meaning men became intolerable. you can’t go anywhere those days. even in kosher supermarket the other day i didn’t what to do with my eyes. its a disease not covid but this!!!