The Real War against Amalek

We are commanded to erase the memory of Amalek. But hidden in the wording of the commandment is another truth that we must never, ever forget…

5 min

David Ben Horin

Posted on 02.03.21

You are to erase the memory of Amalek from beneath the heaven, do not forget (Deuteronomy, 25:19). 


Every day we are commanded to recite this line of Torah. But is this a commandment, or a declaration? On the surface, it seems like a commandment. Hashem is telling us to erase the memory of Amalek.  


If that is the case, why is the line worded the way it is? If we look a little bit deeper, Hashem is showing us something reassuring and extraordinary.  


What is Amalek?  


Rabbi Arush explains that Amalek is the spiritual force that fights against emuna in every generation. Emuna is absolute good and the root of all good, and Amalek is pure, unadulterated evil. 


G-d created a world where He hides Himself. He created so many levels between Him and His world that it is possible to think that He isn’t here. We have to work to see Him. We have to choose to see Him. 


The Baal Shem Tov explains, Where is G-d? Where man lets Him in.  


Israel’s mission is to see G-d everywhere. To reveal Him in all things. Amalek capitalizes on Hashem’s hiding Himself from this world by doing his utmost to push Him out.  


Amalek is anything in this world that makes you question if G-d is really here.  


Amalek is the force behind our society trying to convince you that doing the exact opposite of what Hashem commands are the keys to the top. Movie stars, media icons, political and social leaders are all people championing adultery, theft, lewdness, and open rebellion against the King of Kings 


The people at the top of our world are those who ignore G-d. As “role models” of the, they tell us at every turn to do the same.  


That’s Amalek. Amalek is the 20 news articles you read every day trying to convince you that G-d is on vacation. 


How Long Will it Continue? 


This is all part of G-d's plan.  


Hashem already told us in the Torah that right before the End of Days, Amalek and the Satan will be given all the reins of the earth to shake as many people from their faith in Hashem.  


That means things might just continue to get worse. Civilization can continue to sink further and further into the abyss as Amalek takes more and more control over the world. 


Our job is to hang on.  


That's the commandment. The real war against Amalek is to hold onto our emuna and never forget that even Amalek is just a stick in G-d’s hands – and at the right time, the Almighty G-d Himself will destroy the stick until nothing is left of it. 


In Hebrew, the command "to erase," is timche. The command “Don't forget" is "al tishkach." 


But the statement “erase Amalek, don’t forget” is written “lo tishkach.” 


Why the alteration in grammar? What is the Torah hinting to us? 


Timche” has a dual meaning. It is a command form, “Erase this!” It is also the future tense form, as in, “Once you get that new job, you will erase all the hardships of the last two months from your mind.” 


Is this Hashem telling us the future? Is He telling us that the day will come when Hashem is so revealed and clear to the world that we won’t even remember the time when there was such a force capable of denying Him? 


If that is the case, then the commandment is not to erase Amalek in real time, but also to not forget that these days will come – when the questions on G-d will be so erased that we won’t even be able to conceive that once upon a time, people doubted G-d! 


Loosely translated, the verse then reads: 


After I reveal Myself in this world, you will inevitably forget that Amalek ever existed on this earth. Try not to forget this today while he still has power.  


The wording is telling us that Amalek will be destroyed. All the seemingly  impenetrable  forces of sodomy, hypocrisy, hatred, injustice and anti-Semitism will be wiped out.  


Even as we have to bite our lip from telling the truth for fear of losing our job for standing up for Hashem. Even as we have to watch the most hedonistic people seize the largest microphone while standing in front of the biggest camera, forcing their filth down our throats,  


We are commanded to have faith that G-d will wipe these people out. 


Do not forget that Hashem is testing us. It is the ultimate concealment that is preceding the Jewish People's greatest revelation.  


Now, more than ever, we are commanded not to forget that these people will fall. Evil will fall.  


In the meantime: 


  • – Don't be tempted to join the forces of Sodom. 

  • – Don't be tempted to lose faith in Hashem. 

  • – Don't be dismayed into taking His commandments less seriously.  

  • – Don't think the end of humanity, or our individual end, will have anything to do with what you see on CNN. 


Everything G-d promises us IS TRUE.



Our mission is to know for sure that all evil will fall, the evening news becomes the comedy hour. The key is to forget Amalek right now. To know his end and to understand that all of the posturing of his sentries will not delay, or even deflect, the inevitable.  


The dead will rise and our nation will have among its greatest Sages Moshe, Shmuel, King Solomon, Rabbi Akiva, Rashi, Rabbi Nachman, the Chofetz Chaim, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe just to name a few.  


Hashem's light will shine so brightly. The light of Mashiach will shine so brightly. The light of emuna and daat (knowledge of the real, spiritual Truth) will radiate so strongly, that the darkness on which Amalek feeds upon will itself become bright.  


The new light will make us forget the darkness was ever there.  


* * *

David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his wife and children. Since moving to Israel in 2002, David has discovered Torah, writing hi-tech, hiking, coding ReactJS Apps, and hearing stories about the Land of Israel from anyone excited to tell them. Check him out on Highway 60 or email him your favorite Israel story at: 

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